Starting Goalies
Line Combination

DailyFaceoff Fantasy Hockey Champion T-Shirts ON SALE!

DailyFaceoff Fantasy Hockey Champion T-Shirts ON SALE!

With the Fantasy Hockey playoffs approaching, Fantasy Hockey Champions are getting ready to be crowned all over the world. Aside from whatever monetary gains, bragging rights or trophies you get from winning your league, our NEW ‘FANTASY HOCKEY CHAMPION’ T-SHIRTS are the ultimate way to rub it into you competitions face that YOU are the CHAMP!

These shirts are $24.00 and that includes shipping to anywhere in Canada. It will take 1-2 weeks to ship to Canada and 2-3 weeks to ship to the United States.

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These shirts are $20.00 and that includes shipping to anywhere in Canada. It will take 1-2 weeks to ship to Canada and 2-3 weeks to ship to the United States.

Even better than the bragging rights though, is the fact that 10% of the proceeds from every t-shirt sold will be donated to Earth Group!

If you are not the league Champion, but the League Manager, it would be a fun idea to buy one and hand it out with whatever trophy or prize your winner gets.

If you wish to order one of these beauties outside of Canada or the US, please email us at nation-gear@oilersnation.com

Click HERE to order!