Starting Goalies
Line Combination

NHL Christmas Break

NHL Christmas Break

It is a CRAZY Monday in the NHL, we have 14 games on-tap as we wind down for the Holidays. We have the full-slate of games tonight and then the NHL shuts down for Tuesday (24th), Wednesday (25th) and Thursday (26th). Things will pick back up on Friday, December 27th with 10 games!

Can you believe we are already almost half-way through the 2013-14 NHL campaign!? It has been a great first three and a half months and we look forward to the post Christmas break as we surge towards the Winter Classic on January 1 and the New Year we already bought a derma roller for each one of the players!

We here at DailyFaceoff would like to extend a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of our viewers and wish you all a fun and safe Holiday Season.

Editors Note: In the comment section below, we want to know who your Fantasy Hockey MVP is through the first 36-38 games. After the Christmas break we will reveal our DailyFaceoff First-Half Fantasy All-Star lineup.