Starting Goalies
Line Combination

The Cheat Sheet: March 4th, 2011

The Cheat Sheet: March 4th, 2011

The oddsmakers took the rest of the night off on Thursday, after they got punked by gamblers who bet the Unders across the board. Therefore, there were no early betting lines overnight, and consequently, there is no early Cheat Sheet this morning (scroll down to see whether or not it is indeed still early).

If you tuned in yesterday though, then you might be able to guess what kind of general statement I’m probably gonna end up making about today’s games. I actually considered writing a paragraph or two to elaborate on this general overview that I have on the NHL right now, but then thought better of it.

First of all, I would hate to start a trend where I happen to convince a bunch of people that what I see is true, and then they go on to convince a bunch more people, and then suddenly everybody believes it… And, second of all, I could actually be dead wrong about the whole thing, and end up wasting a bunch of time and effort for nothing (or could I?).

Whatever… So a couple of games went Under 5.5 yesterday… Everybody saw it, and I’m the only one who’s being “superstitious” about it… Yeah… Don’t worry about it… Forget that I even said anything… The Cheat Sheet will be up later today.  

Friday’s Sheet: (finally up at 12PM PT)


– Got here as quick as I could.

– I think it’s about time that the Rangers finally won one. They are a better road team, anyway.

– I don’t think I’ll try my luck with the Grand Salami under 27.5 today (all talk and no walk…). I’m just not sure if an East-West game between Carolina and Chicago is going to get goofy or not… Well, still time to think about it.

Agree with the Gold pick? Disagree with it? See a betting line on the board that seems wrong? You know what to do (fill up the comment section).